Cost-Reducing Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

In the digital age, where content is consumed very quickly and trends change rapidly, marketing activities are very important for small businesses. You should know that you have more than one method and option, and you should prioritize the digital marketing field on the to-do list. We have compiled some suggestions to bring your product or service to the right target audience.

Take the Wind of Social Media at Your Back

Social media is a magical space where dreams come true and loyal customers can be created when used with the right strategy and plan.

In order to reach your potential customers, you must first choose the platforms you need to be. If your goal is to create a strong corporate identity, first get a LinkedIn account.

Since you can fully capture the target audience in your Facebook and Instagram posts, you can shift your advertising activities to this area.


Apart from that, Youtube is an effective channel to explain what you do and promote your products.

When creating your social media accounts;


Take care to use the same logo and cover photo in all your accounts.

Include a short description of what you are doing.

Compile your contact information correctly. This is the first step in gaining the trust of your customers.

Use hashtags for the content you share. Set your own key hashtags.

Make your posts in a specific order and order.

Do not be indifferent to special days.

Pay attention to moderation. Respond to user questions and requests.

Follow your competitors.

Spend a little money on advertising.

Use a consistent and holistic communication language. For example, how will you appeal to your target audience? You or you?

Be patient. When you start posting with a specific plan, it may take some time to gain momentum organically.

Be Aware of the Power of Content

In 1996, Bill Gates wrote an article titled “Content is King”. For over 20 years, this article continues to make sense for the digital marketing space. With a commercial definition, Gates predicted that money would be earned through quality content. We must say that as the value and variety of content increases, the attention span of users decreases at the right rate. In a study published specifically for the 10th anniversary of Google Play; says that its users have an average of 102 apps installed on their phones, but they only open 37 of them each month. In other words, most of the users install too many applications, but only some of them are actively used. Although it may seem difficult for your new business to exist in this competitive environment, you can take your place in this market by taking the right steps.


One of the most effective areas that will take time for your business but will build credibility is writing. Although it may seem easy to do, if you want to benefit your business by writing, you must be consistent. One or two posts won’t do you much good. A good website and blog in this area can help create value for your customers. We can say that a website created with particularly interesting and useful content is a gold mine. Because quality content never goes out of style and your potential customers can visit your site millions of times whenever they need any information about your field. That means lots of traffic for you!


Encourage Your Customers

No matter how small your business, you should know that no marketing activity is free. You should not forget that the right expenditures you will make are beneficial for the future of your own operation. Sweepstakes, games, interactive fictions, etc., to arouse interest in users related to your products and services. You can create campaigns.


Offering special deals to your existing customers to make them feel comfortable and connected to your brand will have a positive impact. Don’t be afraid to experiment and be brave about it. Remember, experience is one of the most effective retention methods.

Learn Email Marketing Studies

Do you occasionally receive e-mails and text messages from a store you shopped at? It is actually not difficult for you to do a similar work for your own business. E-mail marketing is among the marketing methods that require low budget at the beginning. You can offer special deals, campaigns and discounts to people who visit your website and subscribe to your list. Since e-mail marketing is still one of the most converting marketing channels today, you can also apply these studies for your own business.

Invest in SEO Studies

The main purpose of SEO is “Search Engine Optimization”, that is, to be listed at the top of the search engines. Small businesses can do their own SEO work with low budgets. Of course, getting professional support will increase the efficiency of these studies; but you can also do these works by your own means. In addition to product, category and destination pages, you can promote your brand and products by doing SEO studies on content marketing studies, attracting traffic from search engines organically.


Create a Google My Business Account

One of the most useful tools for small businesses is My Business. When people in the same field as a company search for a product or service that the company provides on Google, the company appears in top searches.

An atmosphere of trust is created when potential customers see the profile of the business and have the opportunity to review it.

You can access our content on the Marketing Guide for the Year 2022 via the link.

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